New wineskin ministries
New wineskin ministries

new wineskin ministries

It will lead both the one ministering the healing and the one receiving it to be in utter amazement. Instead of “trying” to heal the sick, a supernatural grace will fall on My people and signs and wonders will flow automatically. What has seemed impossible in the past will now become the norm. God said, “The Church will rise to a whole new level this year. “From the tribe of Issachar there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives–all men who understood the temper of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take.” (The Living Bible)Ī prophetic word received recently…(Anne Klassen for 2017)

new wineskin ministries

“Of the tribe of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.” 1 Chronicles 12:32a You see … even today we have people who are like the Sons of Issachar The Bible states that God always reveals what He is doing – ahead of time – through His fivefold ministry team – especially the prophets:Īmos 3:7 “The Lord God does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets.”Īnd, He has been speaking loudly and clearly now for several decades about the needed changes and some of the actual changes that are now taking place

New wineskin ministries how to#

Yes, we know how to “do church” but now God is bringing some major adjustments and changes so that we will know how to “be the Church”īUSINESS AS USUAL IS NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE AND GOD IS MAKING SOME MAJOR CHANGES:Īnd, they are plain to see and easy to understand – God is not keeping secrets about what He is doing and where things are headed…. In my experience and observation, today ’ s brand of pop-Christianity and the way most churches operate and minister isn’t helping as many people as it should or can.īut it sure is organized – organized religion He said, “No, but they sure were organized.” When the man arrived back home, his wife asked, “Sweetheart, did they help you?” One was marked “Serious,” and the other was marked “Not Serious.” He walked through the door marked “Not Serious.” One door was marked “Internal,” the other door was marked “External.” So he went through the “External” door. One door said “Upper Body,” and the other door said “Lower Body.” He took his foot through the “Lower Body” door and walked inside. One door said “Under 40.” The other door said “Over 40.” So he walked through the door marked “Over 40.” When he got inside, there were two more doors. One door was marked “Male,” and the other was marked “Female.” So he went through the door marked “Male.” So he went to the hospital, walked through the Emergency Room front doors, and when he entered, he was greeted by two more doors. So he thought he better get down to the Emergency Room to get it checked out. The man showed the wound to his wife, and she didn’t know what to do. There was this guy who nicked his foot while mowing the grass.

New wineskin ministries